Janice Williams

Janice has been writing from primary school age, starting with some truly dreadful poetry and a Western novel. Fortunately these attempts no longer exist. A love of reading and a fertile imagination improved her later attempts, together with the discipline of journal keeping (see Henry Tilney’s remarks in Jane Austen’s ‘Northanger Abbey’ for the effectiveness of journal writing for ladies). Being a writer conveys Licence to Imagine.

She is a retired optometrist, married to John, and lives on a rural property looking onto the Grampians. She enjoys writing short fiction and poetry; also edits the newsletter of her church community, has composed lyrics for a community singing group, and has written a play for a local theatre company.

She is currently President of Grampians Writers Group, and a member of SWWV’s postal workshops, ‘eSpring’and ‘Perennial Poets’. Living in the country, postal workshops provide stimulus and accountability.

Stir of Wings – short story/poetry collection.  Busybird 2017. (Proceeds to Compassion Australia Critical Needs projects, for clean water and sanitation in developing countries.) For further information, email janice.williams28@bigpond.com

Let the Sea Roar – an anthology of inspirational short stories about women. By the Light Books 2015

1st and 3rd Prizes, Wimmera Regional Library Corp. 2016.
1st Prize, Polestar Lit. Prize. 2016 (Published in Polestar journal 2016)
1st Prize, Bundaberg Writers Short Story competition.
1st Prize, FAW Tasmania Short Story competition.
2nd Prize, Churchill & District News Poetry competition.

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